European and World OCR Championships
Race Simulation
European and World OCR Championships Race Simulation
European OCR Champs Race Simulation - Mon 25th May
World OCR Champs Race Simulation - Mon 31st August
After the huge success of our Race Simulation Training in 2019 we have decided to bring it back for 2020!
This event was designed to fill the gap for those looking to train in a competitive format on championship standard obstacles. We knew we had a cracking system to offer but we were delighted with just how well it went and the praise we were give for it!
In the U.K we are really limited with the amount of races which will truly get us ready to race, using obstacles similar to those found at the top level. This is where the 'Race Simulation System' comes into place. Down at The P.T Barn we have the widest range of obstacles found at any U.K OCR Training Facility and now with this carefully constructed system we can offer athletes the chance to take on our course in a competitive format.
You will be given a list of the course and obstacles 1 week prior to the session. You will have a list of obstacles, laps, carries etc that you must complete in a certain order. There will be a 20 Min walk around at 08:15 and you must be ready to start at 09:00. You will then have 2 Hours to complete the course.
This won't Marshaled or Adjudicated. Each attendee will be responsible for themselves on the course. This is just a great opportunity to use high quality obstacles through our race simulation system.
We will be adapting the system and obstacles to get it as close to the Championships as possible.
We then have Pay & Play on from 11:00 where you are more than welcome stay and play on obstacles.
It would be great for you to also speak to like minded people in your age group, etc who can attend with you and push you out on the course. We will limit this to just 30 people so everyone gets a clean run without queues.
If you have any questions please email;
Check out the link below to see a little more of what you can expect;
Thanks, The P.T Barn
If you would like to enquire about any of the above workshops or any of our other workshops please just drop us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.